Watch the shocking video of the YouTube prankster who nearly killed himself by cementing his head in a microwave

Watch the shocking video of the YouTube prankster who nearly killed himself by cementing his head in a microwave
Earlier today, the story of a young man who accidentally cemented his head inside a microwave while filming a prank for YouTube, and nearly died in the process, was shared across social platforms (read here).
The video of the prank has now been shared and it's quite shocking to watch. He literally almost died and his friends ran around trying to save him for hours. When they couldn't they finally called emergency services who also found it hard to free him initially.
This happened on Wednesday in the garage of a house in Fordhouses, Wolverhampton. The prankster is 22-year-old Jimmy Swingler. Watching the video will make you want to slap sense into him for being so careless.
Watch the video below.


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